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Dear NT Chief Minister...

Artist: Fiona Katauskas

The issue of uranium mining and indeed nuclear power itself have been gaining much publicity lately. Whilst our Prime Minister was busy flogging the virtues of nuclear power this week (what on earth is wrong with this bloke?), it was disappointing to see the outcome of voting at the ALP conference yesterday which supported the abolition of the Labor Party's 'No New Mines' policy. As a NT resident, it was even further disappointing to note that the NT Chief Minister (together with the NT Environment Minister) voted in favour of the policy changes. In a rare flurry of email writing, I sent the following letter to Chief Minister Martin today:

Dear Chief Minister Martin,

I am writing t
o express my concerns on the votes cast by yourself and the NT Environment Minister at the Labor Party conference yesterday which supported the abolition of the Labor Party's 'No New Mines' policy. What does this vote signal for the future of the Northern Territory and uranium mining?

What has changed since the statements made by your Government less than two years ago firmly denouncing any new mines in the NT? On June 17 2005 you stated that your Government's policy was clear and that the NT Government d
id not want any more uranium mines. More recently you have stated that this was not personal opinion but simply support for the party policy. But what really changed? Your campaign against the Federal Government's proposed Nuclear Waste dump in the NT was certainly more than just a reflection of party policy. It was at times a very personal and highly publicised campaign. How can you personally (and as a Government) remain so strongly opposed to the establishment of a Nuclear Waste dump in the NT, but at the same time, strongly support the expansion of uranium mining in the NT?

It seems ludicrous that the NT Government has always displayed such
fierce and vocal opposition to the siting of a Nuclear Waste facility in the NT and yet now supports the ALP's abolition of the "No New Mines" polic
y. The Nuclear Waste facility has been opposed by your Government not only on scientific grounds, but also on the basis of public perception and support for our Territory's fragile and important environment - and the Territory's image: "Storing long-lasting toxic waste in a sensitive and fragile environment with ground-water issues is contrary to sound scientific management. Not only has it got the potential to cause environmental harm but it could also harm the Territory's image," you stated in an official press release on 21 November 2005.

Likewise Chief Minister, expanding uranium mining (with its
unfortunate global history for mishap and accidents, including
here in the NT at Rum Jungle and also several documented serious incidents at Ranger mine) in "a sensitive and fragile environment" is also contrary to sound scientific management and has the potential to cause environmental harm. Possibly more so than a Nuclear Waste dump.

You cannot support the first step of the process if you do not support
the rest of the system which Uranium mining poin
ts to. The changes to Labor Party policy make a mockery of any Labor Party opposition to Nuclear Power generation in Australia and the establishment of Nuclear Waste dumps. It does not make scientific sense. And it certainly does not make political sense.

Let's make the Northern Territory a leader in seeking new and
innovative ways for investment opportunities and future success. Uranium mining for Nuclear Power generation is not innovative nor attractive. With the
current issues of global warming and rising emissions levels, this is a chance for your Government to be remembered for its environmentally sound and long-term economically viable and sustainable visions for Energy. The geographical nature of settlement in the NT lends itself to innovation in Power Generation - as the Power and Water Authority are already demonstrating in several sites around the Territory (including Kings Canyon with its Solar Power generation).

Let's encourage inv
estment in renewable and sustainable Energy sources. And let's leave the problematic, environmental degrading and harmful, and politically unpopular ideas of uranium mining and nuclear energy untouched and out of harm's way. Thank-you for your time,

Keiran Lusk

Some good sources of information on this subject:

The Sustainable Enery and Anti-Uranuim Service Inc.

Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia

Australia Conservation Foundation (ACF)

The Wilderness Society - Nuclear Blog

Anti-Nuclear Australia

The Greens

Nuclear Power - No solution to Climate Change (Report)